6 Tips For Wives and Girlfriends Who Aren’t Fans of Football
I don’t know about you but my husband is beyond excited for this new football season – both college and professional. “Merry Football” was his greeting to his buddies and friends all throughout the day last weekend when college football officially started. I have quite a few female friends who enjoy football just as much as the guys, but if you’re like me, it’s not one of my favorite sports.
While I’m excited that my husband is so elated, I don’t have the same zeal. I will admit, however, that I enjoy going to the games and watching them live. But other than that, I could do without it.
So, what is a girl to do now that football is back? Just do what I do – embrace it and enjoy some “me” time! Here are a few ideas to help get you through the season (acknowledging that it may not be as easy for those of you who have children but it’s still worth a shot).
Catch up on your favorite shows and movies.
They say “2 is better than one” and the same is true with a television. We have a television in the bedroom and the living room and when the games come on, that’s usually my cue to go and watch whatever I want in the other room – whether via Netflix, cable or even online. While he’s catching up on football, stats and ESPN, I’m catching up on my shows…even though I have to admit that sometimes he sneaks away from football and comes in the room with me too. What can I say? We love each other.
Go to Target!
Am I the only who enjoys shopping at Target? Sometimes I’ll go even if it’s just to look around at stuff. I find it very relaxing, but it doesn’t have to stop at Target. Whether it’s Target, the mall, TJ Maxx or other local department stores, consider an extra three to four hours of spare time on your hands to do a little retail therapy. If it’s not shopping, catch up on other errands or your “To-Do List.” Your man will be so into the game that he won’t even notice you’re gone.
Read a book.
While your man is captivated by football and all the excitement, use that time to become enthralled with your favorite book or a book you’ve been meaning to catch up on. Furthermore, in addition to reading and because you can expect limited interruption, if you’re a fellow writer it can be a great time to catch up on any writing or business projects you may be working on.
Avoid heavy and deep conversations.
“Can we talk?” These three words (or any variation of the phrase) should be avoided as much as possible during game time. I know some of us as women love to talk and have deep conversations but choose your time wisely. Just like I don’t like to be interrupted with heavy “talks” during my favorite shows, most men (and women) are the same way when it comes to their football – or any sports for that matter. Trust me, your husband or boyfriend will appreciate your thoughtfulness even that much more.
Take a nap.
Sometimes, I actually will sit and watch the game with my husband just to spend quality time together. However, one of the reasons why football isn’t as exciting to me is partially because of how long the games are…especially Monday night football. So, for me it’s the perfect time to nap and catch up on some sleep. Usually when I wake up the same game is still on anyway.
Throw a football party (or go to one).
One thing I’ve learned about love and relationships is that it’s all about compromise. While a football watch party can be a labor love, it’s also a great compromise for everyone because it includes football, fellowship and fun! Does that mean every game should be a football party? Of course not and you don’t always have to be the host. No matter where the party, your man will appreciate the effort and everyone will enjoy a fun and festive time!
So, like I said – do what I do and embrace it and enjoy some “ME” time!!! You’ll get through the football season just fine!