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Why We Loved the Best Man Holiday

Shonda Brown White  Entertainment   Why We Loved the Best Man Holiday

Why We Loved the Best Man Holiday

Fifteen years…it’s been that long since The Best Man first debuted at the movie theaters and since the recent opening of the sequel this year, I have yet to see one negative comment about the movie.

I mean, really. It was just that great. I can’t answer whether or not the first one was better than the second one, but I know I wasn’t disappointed. Despite my excessive tears, the dialogue, characters and interactions seemed so natural and so real.

It’s not every day that we get to see such positive images of black men and women on the big screen, so when it happens it’s celebrated and appreciated even that much more. I think all of us could relate to at least one, if not all, of the characters in the movie or at least know someone within our inner circle who can relate as well. That’s what I loved so much about both movies. From college to friendships, life lessons, trials and obstacles, it reflected so many of our own personal lives – both good and bad.

We loved The Best Man for…

  1. Reminding us that we may not always understand why God does what He does, especially when it hurts, but if we lean and depend on Him we can rest in his arms, trust His plan and find peace.
  2. Portraying successful, faithful, handsome black men, and women, who care about God and family. I’m a witness to this in my own life.
  3. Showing us that an apology goes a long way and forgiveness is necessary to move forward
  4. Making us think about our own close friendships and reminding us that real friends keep it real with each other.
  5. Showing the importance of what it means to truly love someone so much so that you can look at their past and still look beyond it.
  6. Reminding us that fights and disagreements are temporary, but true friendships last forever.
  7. Reminding us that marriage is hard work, but it’s definitely worth fighting for.
  8. Illustrating how too much independence can sometimes lead to too much loneliness.
  9. The character development was complete (especially when we had a chance to look deeper into Quinton’s past experiences when he and Mia were alone and talking), the dialogue was bold and daring, yet genuine and the characters still looked as great as they did 15 years ago!
  10. Encouraging us and reminding us that no matter what, GOD IS ALWAYS IN CONTROL and will always find a way to shine a ray of light even in your darkest moments.

So, thank you Malcom D. Lee, Mia, Lance, Quintin, Harper, Julian, Candace, Jordyn, Shelby, Robin and the entire cast and crew for delivering yet another wonderful, bold, realistic and captivating movie. It was definitely worth the wait.


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1 Comment
  • Tamara Davis
    December 1, 2013

    Yessssss! That just about sums up my appreciation for this amazing movie!

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